
I’m on a mission to help developers and designers to get their message better across and improve their projects with pimped typography.

I host the YouTube channel Pimp my Type, speak at conferences and am a guest on podcasts covering the topic of digital typography. If you think one of my talks could fit your show or event, drop me a line!

Typographer vs. Accessibility, beyond tellerrand 2024, Foto: Florian Ziegler

Upcoming Events

Find all upcoming events on Pimp my Type


May 2024 (German)
Episode #52, #53, #54
Über Typografie im Web und wie ich angefangen habe als Speaker

UX Heroes Podcast
24 May 2021 (German)
Oliver Schöndorfer über Typografie für User Interfaces

programmier.bar Folge 83 – Fonts
26 February 2021 (German)
Themen: Warum es mehr Schriften gibt als Open Sans, welche Arten von Texten es gibt und welche Schriften dazu passen, eine Einführung in Variable Fonts.

Working Draft Revision 460
19 January 2021 (German)
Augen auf bei der Webfont-Wahl

Working Draft Revision 334
1 April 2018 (German)
Typographie im Web

“Oliver has his own particular style of quirk and humour that really sets his speaking style apart from almost anyone else I’ve seen before. His delivery is hilarious, but never detracts from his message—I learned so much from him in such a short space of time. I think he’s pretty unique, and I’ve seen a lot of conference speakers! I’d recommend getting him on-board.”


beyond tellerrand

May 12, 2024, Düsseldorf, Germany
Typographer vs. Accessibility
Watch Video

Smashing Conf 2023, Antwerpen

October 10, 2023, Antwerpen, Belgium
The Invisible Power of UI Typography

WebWorker Saar Meetup
1 July 2021, 18:00 CET, Online Event
Stop Using Open Sans* – Warum die Schriftwahl im Web so wichtig ist

Stay Curious – “Fonts” with Ulrike Rausch and Oliver Schöndorfer
24 November 2020, 19:00 CET, Online Event
Stop using Open Sans – Why your font choice matters
View Slides on noti.st | Download PDF-Slides (43 MB)

Mediencamp Vienna 2019
16 November 2019, Vienna
You Can Save Web Typography (Talk in German)
Download PDF-Slides (18 MB)

A-Tag ’19
10 October 2019, Vienna
You Can Save Web Typography (Talk in German)
Download PDF-Slides (18 MB)

WordCamp Vienna 2019
27 April 2019, Vienna
Conquer Variable Web Typography
Download PDF-Slides

Vienna Sketch Meetup #3
15 January 2019, Vienna
You Can Save Web Typography
Download PDF-Slides

beyond tellerrand
5–8 November 2018, Berlin
Conquer Variable Web Typography
View Slides on noti.st | Download Slides | Watch Video

Frontend Conference Zurich
30–31 August 2018, Zurich
Conquer Variable Web Typography
View slides on noti.st | Watch Video

8–9 June 2018, Saint Petersburg
You Can Save Web Typography
Download slides (pdf) | Browse slides on noti.st | Resources

May WordPress Meetup Vienna
2 May 2018, Vienna
You Can Save Web Typography
View Slides

webclerks meetup #12
23 April 2018, Vienna
Conquer Variable Web Typography
View Slides (pdf)

WordCamp Vienna 2018
09 April 2018, Vienna
Erste Hilfe Web Design – Wie vermeide ich die schlimmsten Fehler?
View Slides | Watch Video (Talk in German)

Stahlstadt.js #16
29 November 2017, Linz
You can save Web Typography
View Slides

Skill Share Breakfast Impact Hub Vienna
8 November 2017, Vienna
Web Design Check-up – Top 10 mistakes and how to fix them
View Slides

International PHP Conference 2017 &
International Javascript Conference 2017 Munich

26 October 2017, Munich
You can save Web Typography
View Video
View Slides

UxWien Metalab Meetup
21 September 2017, Vienna
You can save Web Typography
View Slides

UXCamp+ Vienna 2017
5 May 2017, Vienna
You can save Web Typography
View Slides (Talk in German)

webclerks meetup #6
27 February 2017, Vienna
You can save Web Typography
Watch Video (in German)
View Slides (Talk in German)

uxcamp vienna 2013
9 November 2013, Vienna
Don’t be afraid of Content
View Slides (Talk in German)
